Why does my new Tucson forget settings?

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Post by Philr »

If a solution had been found I'm sure it would have been posted on here in bold, font size 40, flashing red and made a sticky post (not sure if any of this is possible :-)

You should have pointed them at this forum as it is well documented that the problem is the 12v battery and that just by leaving doors open whilst cleaning the car can induce it.
Just have a look back thru the posts on this thread.
It sounds like you have a dealer who cares about it so nurture them as they are a rare breed it seems and please keep us updated.

I don't have a carbon footprint because I drive everywhere.

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Post by Pauljh60 »

I posted a week ago that my 2013 tuscon n-line S had so far been with the dealer to resolve this 12V battery issue.
The technician at the dealer has now had the car for nearly three weeks (they loaned me a brand new Tuscon) and he is determined to find the battery drain. He has raised and is discussions with Hyundai. Due to his work he has traced the drain to the split relay on the towbar electrics. It appears the company who fitted the towbar did not use genuine Hyundai electric kit. So this is now being removed and will be replaced with with genuine Hyundai kit. The technician will then do retests on the 12V circuits/battery.
I will update with the final results next week.
My dealer is doing everything they can and will continue until resolved.
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Post by PhilHornby »

Pauljh60 wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 9:36 pm Due to his work he has traced the drain to the split relay on the towbar electrics. It appears the company who fitted the towbar did not use genuine Hyundai electric kit.
The car is supposed to detect such occurrences :-

Screenshot 2023-08-11 012926.jpg

N Line S Hybrid (HEV).
23 plate - built Nov '22
Deleted User 487

Post by Deleted User 487 »

Pauljh60 wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 9:36 pm I posted a week ago that my 2013 tuscon n-line S had so far been with the dealer to resolve this 12V battery issue.
The technician at the dealer has now had the car for nearly three weeks (they loaned me a brand new Tuscon) and he is determined to find the battery drain. He has raised and is discussions with Hyundai. Due to his work he has traced the drain to the split relay on the towbar electrics. It appears the company who fitted the towbar did not use genuine Hyundai electric kit. So this is now being removed and will be replaced with with genuine Hyundai kit. The technician will then do retests on the 12V circuits/battery.
I will update with the final results next week.
My dealer is doing everything they can and will continue until resolved.
Assume you mean 2023 and not 2013?
Deleted User 487

Post by Deleted User 487 »

Also, I’ve had 3 resets this week. The first after leaving the car for 1 week, so not wholly unexpected. The last 2 completely random.
Last edited by Deleted User 487 on Sun Aug 13, 2023 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mar10 »

I’ve had 3 this week too. It’s hard to find any logic behind the resets. Generally we don’t use the car a huge amount during the week, maybe 5 miles per day popping to the gym or local shops. We never have the reset issue - I think it happened once in the past year after cleaning the car with doors / boot open for a while which all seemed logical and to fit with what others have reported.

This week though we took a trip to the Lake District which was a 2.5 hour drive. We had the reset issue just after we arrived - I guessed it might have been from having the boot open for a while. But then it happened twice more during the week despite driving for around an hour each day and not leaving boot / doors open.

So in our case it seems running the car more has increased the occurrence of the resets. It’ll be interesting to see if they don’t happen any more now we’re back to normal.
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Post by Pauljh60 »

2023 Hyundai Tucson N-Line S HEV
Hi, after the Hyundai Tech replaced my non-genuine tow bar electrics with genuine kit the drain on battery stop and is now within spec tolerances.
But now the resetting started again after one day and has now settled back to pre towbar fitting of 3 times per week with no discernable pattern.
Hyundai are to continue to look into this but if they are saying the 12v is now operating within spec I'm not sure what they will do next.
There is now an ongoing report raised with Hyundai and there technicians are involved.
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Post by OzJock »

I’ve just booked my 2022 Tucson 230 hybrid in for its 1st service, the reset problem happens to me every week, it’s been reported on the forum almost since the model was launched and I really didn’t expect to see reports of dealers still just hearing about it! I’ll keep my expectations low for the 5th Sept when I visit Arnold Clark Glasgow but I’ll mention it and let you know.
For me I only need to have the boot or a door open for a few mins loading/unloading tools/equipment and my aircon and trip computer have reset. First car I’ve had in 30yrs that can’t remember how far it’s travelled since I filled up with fuel. And as others have reported a long run doesn’t help nor does turning off the door activated courtesy lights.
Battery drain when off may be an issue, likewise 12v battery capacity but the button down to the right your salesman probably pointed out on collection to “jump” the 12v electrics from the traction battery seems to say Hyundai know what’s going on.
I’ve not yet had any problems with the 12v system draining so far that the remote locking stops working, so I’d say it’s a software issue not storing all the settings before it shuts down systems in response to diminishing 12v voltage.

Anyone any thoughts?
Or am I being too optimistic for a fix?
2022 Premium 230 HEV
Deleted User 1130

Post by Deleted User 1130 »

I've been testing the Carlinkit 5 for a week and interestingly ... perhaps ... when I unlock the car the media USB port becomes active. I know this because the carlinkit indicator light is active as i get in the car. When I turn the car off and lock it I also get notifications from android auto for a few minutes telling me there is a connection available ..... this would intimate that the USB port is still active for a time after locking the car.

Obviously non scientific testing on my behalf but just thought it may be of interest.... potential power drain source
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Post by OzJock »

Thanks for that. It’s clear some systems are still powered when off (e.g Bluelink, keyless entry etc) draining the available 12v capacity.
What the car does to remember settings (like the odometer, radio stations, screen settings etc) to overcome voltage drain is probably a software issue and, if so, is it unreasonable to see remembering the aircon and trip settings as a low cost fix for Hyundai?
2022 Premium 230 HEV
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