Why does my new Tucson forget settings?

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Post by Philr »

Sadly there's no such thing as a low cost fix.
Sure the actual code change is probably minimal but the testing won't be and I suspect there will be local country safety standards to be adhered to which may vary by country. I'm also assuming that the relevant hardware is already in the car somewhere.
Then there is the implementation which I'm guessing would need to be done by the dealers, particularly if new hardware is required, to ensure it's done correctly and maintain warranty. Someone would have to pay for that - Hyundai? Dealer? End-User?
Also because of the lack of info from Hyundai we don't know how much was out-sourced and how much Hyundai did/do in-house. If it was out-sourced whether that company still exists and if it does whether the work they did was done to specification or not.
All in all I think it's a bit of a minefield.

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Post by OzJock »

Absolutely, some safety critical recalls and fixes will require quite a lot of work - hardware & labour.
I’m no software engineer so if anyone on here has some knowledge chip in but a line of code to save and recover the aircon/trip settings in the same memory that the car keep other settings (e.g. odometer, screen preferences, even radio stations) doesn’t sound like its going to trouble worldwide safety organisations?
But as you say if some of the development work was subcontracted out Hyundai may not have access to the engineers that created it.
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Post by OzJock »

The official line from Arnold Clark Hyundai Glasgow is that they’ve never heard of this problem before and as there are no fault codes there’s nothing they can do.
Would love to hear if anyone has been in touch with this dealer before or if you’ve had a similar response from your own local dealer.
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Post by PhilHornby »

OzJock wrote: Sun Aug 27, 2023 10:22 am but a line of code to save and recover the aircon/trip settings in the same memory that the car keep other settings (e.g. odometer, screen preferences, even radio stations) doesn’t sound like its going to trouble worldwide safety organisations?
Even if there is enough spare EEPROM to save the other settings, the frequency with which these would need saving, probably means the EEPROM wouldn't last the car's lifetime. A different technique, such as battery-backed RAM (i.e. coin cell), or a Supercapacitor, or maybe FRAM would be required. These all £cost and I suspect most cars just rely on the 12V battery to maintain the setting. However, most cars aren't Tucson Hybrids :(

(Assuming, of course, that the problem is power-related)

UPDATE: Edited link to Wikipedia page :oops:
Last edited by PhilHornby on Wed Sep 06, 2023 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jarvis »

I doubt they would use EPROM to store settings - the linked wiki article even states that they can't be reprogrammed electronically, only by UV erasure and then reprogramming.

Flash memory more likely
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Post by PhilHornby »

jarvis wrote: Wed Sep 06, 2023 2:10 pm I doubt they would use EPROM to store settings...
Flash memory more likely
Well done for paying attention - I updated the link to point to the intended one, describing EEPROM.

Here's a web page comparing Flash and EEPROM.

I don't think either would be particularly suitable for something that changes frequently (like the "Current Drive mpg")
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Post by jarvis »

Ok, but there is another trip counter - accumulated info, that never resets unless you manually clear it. And that one has the same requirement to store an ever increasing number of miles, driving time and mpg. If that's not wearing out a chip somewhere then I doubt another counter would tip the balance into data corruption or failure.
That said, TESLA once equipped a car with flash memory that wore out due to too many erase/write cycles. But they put the whole operating system onto it.
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Post by Pauljh60 »

Hi, 2023 Tucson N-Line S. Since having the tow bar electrics swapped out for genuine Hyundai kit the resetting continued every other day for three weeks. It had not then reset for 22 days. Then two days ago I drove to the shops and left the car for 10 minutes. When starting the reset happened. So no logic.
My dealer is now telling me that they have had a number of customers in the past few months reporting this problem and they have witnessed this themselves on new cars. They have reported to Hyundai and we now wait!
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Post by Saltcreek »

I wondering if it is related to temperature. When it was hot outside I had this happening every other day but now with cool weather it has not reset.
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Post by howitis »

As explained by others in more technical fashion, it's the battery/batteries, that no matter it seems how you run the car, can fail to keep the 12v one with enough oomph to run the systems when the engine is switched off. It's tiny, has only 15ah in it and relies on the drive battery to keep it topped up. Thus the HEV has a 12v battery reset button and hidden access in door handle to open a dead car and get it going, with instructions to run it for 30 mins to restore charge on such an occasion. There are videos on this. Not the only make running into such issues, e.g. my boss had 2003 500SL which would slowly die as he didn't use it much and initially things such as central locking, air con and more wouldnt work so the hidden key in fob would come out. Run it forever and it would still run down very shortly. The dealer had to put it on a "supercharger" to get it back. I had a works 2004 e class estate, did the same as I didnt use it much. Dealer stated it had 2 batteries and again needed a supercharge evry so often. I note the HEV can be jump started but trickle charging seems pointless with 15ah.
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