4th Service cost in 'Service Plan'

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Post by pharaoh »

Once you factor in the annual RAC cover
Can you clarify whay you mean by this statement ?
AA cover comes free with the car for the first year and as long as you have the car properly serviced by a main dealer each year, that cover will continue for the 5 years the warranty lasts.

Deleted User 1711

Post by Deleted User 1711 »

The caveat is that the breakdown cover is for uk only, so if you travel abroad you will need additional cover. I find it a useful addition and don't need to take out further cover so saves me a bit of cash.
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Post by pharaoh »

DotDotDotDot wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 10:27 am The caveat is that the breakdown cover is for uk only, so if you travel abroad you will need additional cover. I find it a useful addition and don't need to take out further cover so saves me a bit of cash.

Thankyou and yes I understand how the breakdown cover works (I'm just about to renew my foreign travel cover), but what I don't understand is what bearing that has on annual service costs. They are surely two separate entities.
Deleted User 1326

Post by Deleted User 1326 »

pharaoh wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 10:58 amwhat bearing that has on annual service costs.
Although I haven’t done the arithmetic, I guess that ‘kassy64’, to whom the remark is attributable, simply meant that had not the breakdown cover been provided by Hyundai, thus requiring the addition of the cost of a standalone product, then that equates to the figure quoted (£175) for each service when taken into account. Any owner opting to have servicing performed outside the Hyundai network would obviously not be a recipient of Hyundai’s continuing breakdown cover, the cost of which will be dependent upon the level of cover required.

It seems pretty straightforward to me although on the matter of breakdown cover, I’m unsure if it is by the RAC; indeed, I’m pretty sure it’s in conjunction with the AA. Other members will confirm or correct me as appropriate. Without referring to the supplied information, I seem to recall that the cover is UK-wide plus the Channel Islands. I think the cover is fairly basic but I remember reading that it could be upgraded. Whether or not that would attract the normal rate or a specially-agreed discounted rate through Hyundai’s deal with the provider, I really don’t know.
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Post by pharaoh »

Indalo wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 11:43 am
pharaoh wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 10:58 amwhat bearing that has on annual service costs.
Although I haven’t done the arithmetic, I guess that ‘kassy64’, to whom the remark is attributable, simply meant that had not the breakdown cover been provided by Hyundai, thus requiring the addition of the cost of a standalone product, then that equates to the figure quoted (£175) for each service when taken into account. Any owner opting to have servicing performed outside the Hyundai network would obviously not be a recipient of Hyundai’s continuing breakdown cover, the cost of which will be dependent upon the level of cover required.

It seems pretty straightforward to me although on the matter of breakdown cover, I’m unsure if it is by the RAC; indeed, I’m pretty sure it’s in conjunction with the AA. Other members will confirm or correct me as appropriate. Without referring to the supplied information, I seem to recall that the cover is UK-wide plus the Channel Islands. I think the cover is fairly basic but I remember reading that it could be upgraded. Whether or not that would attract the normal rate or a specially-agreed discounted rate through Hyundai’s deal with the provider, I really don’t know.
It must be the way my brain works (or doesn't ;) ) as I see no correlation between service costs and breakdown cover.
No matter though, we all have our own way of doing things.

Unless Hyundai have changed their breakdown provider in the last couple of years, cover is provided by the AA. I wasn't aware of a cover upgrade, but if it is, the cynical part of me says special rates would be non existent nowadays.
When I bought my last Hyundai in 2015, I was able to get a preferential rate on AA Euro cover because I was in effect already an AA member via Hyundai. Not so last year when I asked the question of the AA, so I now use another company for Euro breakdown.
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Post by Pogleswood »

My son has a lease Tuscon N Line S Hybrid on lease with maintenance, for the past two services 40k & 50K the lease company have insisted that he doesn’t use a main dealer but have sent him instead to a local independent garage, we can only assume that it’s because of his high mileage use, and that the car will have well over 115k when it’s returned.
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Post by joolstdi »

kassy64 wrote: Sun Mar 31, 2024 7:48 pm That’s a crazy price for 2 x wiper blades. I’d be tempted to sort that myself. What is the diagnostic check for? Do you have warning lights on or something.
update the software in car and also maps, if the car was mine I would do this myself and bought new Bosch wiper blades
To comparison my wife has taken delivery of a new R line polo and a 2 year service plan with VW was £360 and she thought that was expensive :lol:
Tucson Ultimate PHEV Auto + Teck Pack
Ordered Jan 2022
Delivered June 2022
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Post by kassy64 »

Indalo wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 9:17 pm
kassy64 wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 7:03 pm Once you factor in the annual RAC cover i am basically looking at about £175 per year for my car to be serviced by Hyundai and its inflation proof also.
There’s no arguing with those economics.

My take on the matter is that Hyundai provides one of the finest warranties in the industry. The company specifies what is covered and for how long. All of the provisions are in print and therein is contained the company’s promise should problems occur with the vehicle. In return, Hyundai expects owners to ensure the vehicle is serviced in accordance with the laid-down schedule, that is to say, within the time/mileage parameters that pertain to the particular model.

Hyundai recognises that there are some who may wish to have their car serviced at an independent garage under the Block Exemption provisions and the only stipulations on which the company insists are that every item, oil, fluids, filters, etc, are genuine Hyundai parts or of at least equivalent quality. A fully detailed invoice from a VAT-registered garage, listing every item with part numbers must be supplied for each service, dated so as to ensure that time and mileage limits are within Hyundai’s specifications.

To paraphrase the main presenter for several years of a well-known TV car show, “How hard can it be?”

Perhaps a saving can be made at some independent garages but many will be unfamiliar with Hyundai cars and there are other maintenance tasks that may be required besides servicing, which only KIA dealerships will be able to perform. Come the day when, god forbid, something major goes wrong, a Hyundai-serviced and maintained vehicle owner will have his or her car repaired for free under the Hyundai warranty, almost certainly without quibble. An owner who has chosen to have his car serviced at a local garage by ‘my mechanic’🙄, will probably have to jump through several hoops before KIA UK accedes to any warranty claim and they will understandably want sight of the relevant documentation to ensure that every ’t’ has been crossed and every ‘I’ dotted before giving authority for the work to be performed at a network dealer.

At my age, I can do without hassle about warranty claims, should one become necessary, so even if I perhaps pay a little more for main dealer servicing than those who purchase a brand new car and skimp on servicing costs, I know where I would rather entrust my car for it’s once-yearly (in my case) service.
Spot on, and wholeheartedly agree.
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